Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Reconstruction Surgery- DONE!

I hate that it has been so long since we have updated. Lots of things have been going on in the Peterson household since my moms double mastectomy. She has recovered from the surgery and is getting back into her everyday routine. Just as she was able to return to work and other things she enjoys- they scheduled another surgery! 

Today she had her reconstruction surgery. This was an outpatient surgery and she is already at home resting up from today. Thanks to all who sent their well-wishes today! 

We will continue to update as we hear more! As of right now the plan is that she will rest up for approximately 3-4 weeks and then begin radiation. 

Thank you again for all your kindness and support throughout this time. I know they are very appreciative of all the help that many of their friends and family has given!

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