Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Post Surgery Update

►♥◄ Staying positive quotes - When it all seems like an uphill struggle just visualize the view from the top. Share the inspiration: Please Repin.►♥◄
This is probably going to be my ideal quote for my mom. I love the hiking connection and feel like it's so fitting for her! 

First off, thank you all for the love today. Everyone has been so caring and thoughtful throughout the day and we apologize for not updating sooner!

Mom and dad were up bright and early this morning and have been in some type of medical facility since 7:30ish! Surgery went well, the Dr said that she did fine. When my dad and I went to get her from the discharge station she was extremely tired but looked great! She even did a pretty dramatic sigh and eye roll at me when the doctor said she could not drive for five days. It didn't help that she also told her no lifting of any nature either... (P.S. Rebecca if you read this- please lock the Crossfit gym if she attempts to get in! Hahaha!)

The Dr was able to do the lumpectomy and ended up taking 5 of her lymph nodes, 2 of those which they found that the cancer has spread to. Without the results from the pathology test there is still a lot of unknowns. We do have a few updates that they were able to tell us today.

At the last Dr appointment they had said she would be fine to do localized radiation and then chemo. However, they are now requiring that she does chemo first and then she will have to do the full radiation, not the localized that she had originally hoped for.  Although this might mean that this takes longer than we originally thought, the good news is that this is what is going to be necessary to do everything that is possible to keep it from coming back.

Completely healing from the surgery is a must before they can do chemo. They say that they suspect she will be ready in a couple of weeks. We will use this time to make sure to find the perfect medical oncologist that will mix up the perfect cocktail so she can kick this in the butt. (Not the type of cocktail she is hoping for by now, I'm sure!) Again, with the pathology test they will better be able to tell us how long and how often her treatments will be.

Until then... it's just a waiting game! Again, thank you all for the continual love and support. We appreciate it so much and I know my mom will appreciate reading all the comments/messages you have sent.

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